Community News

Climate change is a governance issue. It affects everything from workforce planning to funding to the safety of people and physical properties. It has to be understood, planned for, responded to. It’s the board’s responsibility to ensure that the organisation – and its constituents – are ready. Answering these 10 questions is a great place for leaders to start -…


In a remote town in Western Australia, a not-for-profit supermarket in the Pilbara town of Roebourne has changed the way residents access food. The social enterprise model provides the community with consistent access to cheap groceries. Operated by Foundation Food, the Ieramugadu store has sold 6 tonnes of donated produce since opening late last year. Foundation Food project lead Abby Phillis said people living…


For decades, nonprofit organizations have played an increasingly central role in social justice campaigns in the United States, providing legal support, advocacy, and public education. Unlike the mid-20th century movements that once led such work, nonprofits are often the primary drivers of these campaigns today. By the end of the last century, the unions and large civic organizations once central to…


The awards are designed to recognise the contribution that not-for-profit treasurers make to their community groups, to the not-for-profit sector and to Australian society. Nominate and recognise your treasurer now! This year, you can take part in the Not-for-Profit Treasurers’ Awards in one of two ways: Nominate anyone who has served as a treasurer of an Australian not-for-profit organisation at…


The Fulbright Professional Scholarship in Non-Profit Leadership (supported by the Australian Scholarships Foundation) is the first scholarship for the Not-for-Profit (NFP) sector in Australia. It provides a unique opportunity to travel to the U.S. for 3 – 4 months in 2023 to study, conduct research into, and gain experiential learning in leadership and the operations of U.S. non-profit sector organisations.…


Connecting Up is committed to building stronger communities through technology, supporting over 37,000 not-for-profit and charity organisations. If your organisation is an Australian registered charity or not-for-profit, you can register for free membership that provides access to: Software & services at significantly discounted prices Heavily discounted computers & IT hardware Free or heavily discounted online learning To view more details…


In 2021, Dog and Bone launched a $120,000 annual in-kind grants program as part of their commitment to creating a better world through technology. Their goal is to amplify the impact of smaller not-for-profits (NFPs) working hard to make the world a better place. Applications are now open for Dog and Bone’s next round of Impact Grants. Read more here:…


Ever wanted to know more about the different aspects of social enterprise? This is a great article on the different values in that segment. “Social enterprise has become a worldwide phenomenon without it being clear what it is. I would say that this is because there is an awareness of the rotten way corporations behave, how dangerous they have become…


The ACNC is now calling for expressions of interest from people with relevant expertise to join the Sector Forum or the new Charity Consultation Panel. The Sector Forum is used to gain a representative view from the charity sector and their intermediaries; feedback on key policy, guidance and tools the ACNC develops for the sector and insight into the issues…