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The Inaugural Social Enterprise Awards

Winners announced at the State Library of Victoria on Tuesday, 28 May

“The Social Enterprise Awards are a celebration of excellence. They recognise the incredible journeys, the successes, the failures, the blood sweat and tears, the personal challenges, the amazing accomplishments and the absolute magnificence of these remarkable businesses called social enterprises… Social Enterprises are businesses calibrated to make the market do good stuff, to make the market deliver the social justice that it is capable of delivering.”

Mark Daniels (Social Traders) master of ceremonies for the Awards

The inaugural Social Enterprise winners are

congratulations to Connecting Up 

  • Social Enterprise of the Year-Medium/Large – presented by Australia Post – 

congratulations to Resource Recovery

congratulations to Thankyou Water

congratulations to STREAT

  • Social Procurement Social Enterprise Supporter of the Year – presented by Social Traders

well done Great Lakes Council

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