The last two Senate sitting days will see a number of prominent tax bills, including the proposed SG amnesty, being left off the table, which will ultimately see those bills lapse when the federal election is called.
The Senate’s draft legislation program for the sitting days on Tuesday and Wednesday shows that there are a number of notable bills absent for debate.
The bill containing the SG amnesty measure, which would give employers an opportunity to rectify historical SG non-compliance without penalty, has not been scheduled for debate, effectively ending any hope of the bill getting passed before its 23 May 2019 amnesty expiry date.
“We are nearly at the end of the 12 month amnesty period. The bigger issue will be the employers who in good faith have made disclosures – they may face some outcomes under the tax law that they didn’t expect and then we’ve got the group of employers who haven’t come forward and they can expect the full force of the law if and when the ATO catches up with them,” TaxBanter senior tax trainer Robyn Jacobson said.
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