The ACNC has issued a Direction to RSL National in response to significant governance failings identified during their investigation into the charity. A Direction is one of the compliance powers set out in the ACNC Act, and it requires RSL National to undertake a review of the charity’s board and governance practices.
On 12 February, the Bergin Inquiry published its report into RSL NSW, RSL Welfare and Benevolent Institution (known as RSL DefenceCare), and RSL Lifecare. The Inquiry’s findings highlighted a range of serious governance failings and made recommendations regarding the individuals involved.
The ACNC has investigations into the activities of RSL NSW and RSL LifeCare. RSL QLD is also under investigation, however, this charity was not within the scope of the NSW Government’s Bergin Inquiry.
The ACNC has already finalised their investigation into RSL SA, which resulted in the charity and the ACNC entering into a Compliance Agreement in August 2017.
The ACNC is continuing to work closely with the leadership of the RSLs, and it is important steps are taken to rebuild trust so that they may continue to care for veterans.
To view these and other ACNC compliance decisions, click here.