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Tips for claiming GST credits

You can claim GST credits for most business purchases. However, there are some things that are GST-free or that you can’t claim for various reasons.

  • If your suppliers aren’t registered for GST, you can’t claim GST credits. That applies even if they give you a tax invoice with an ABN and GST amount on it.
  • Use the ABN Lookup online tool to check if your suppliers are registered for GST.
  • Things such basic foods, some medical goods or services and other items are GST-free.
  • Check your tax invoices and only claim the amount of GST shown.
  • If you use an item for both personal and business use, you can only claim the business portion.
  • There is no GST on wages you pay to staff.
  • There are also some property transactions where you can’t claim GST credits. For example, you can’t claim GST credits when buying a property using the margin scheme or build-to-rent developments.

To view more detail from the ATO, click here

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