Client Portal

STP and Activity Statements

From July 2023, PAYG withholding labels W1 and W2 will be prefilled in ATO online services using the information reported through STP.

Prefill will be made available from the:

  • July 2023 activity statement for monthly PAYG withholders
  • September 2023 activity statement for quarterly PAYG withholders.

You’ll only need to change prefilled amounts if they don’t match your records.

From July 2023, the ATO will remind employers to lodge their activity statement if it’s considered late, and PAYG withholding has been reported via STP for the period.

These reminders will start with a pilot system of 3,000 randomly selected employers in the 2023–24 financial year. The reminder will include a summary of the amounts the ATO has on record (PAYG withholding reported via STP and any prefilled PAYG instalment or GST instalment amounts). The employer should then lodge to correct or confirm these amounts and make payment (where required).

To view the ATO information in full, click here.

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