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Staff Profile – Deb Arnold

Deb Arnold – Audit Manager

Deb Arnold is the Audit Manager here at NFPAS. As well as managing our audit division Deb provides accounting and consulting services and is a Community Housing specialist. She considers her day a success if she has assisted our clients to do something in an easier way, achieve compliance, or find a more cost effective solution. Deb brings a wealth of experience to the NFPAS team, having worked across a number of larger and smaller nfp organisations.

What is your role at NFPAS?

My role at NFPAS has the title Audit Manager but in reality I am an accountant who loves assisting our clients, our staff and our business to deliver the best possible outcomes to the not for profit sector. I audit, do accounting and consulting work and provide any other assistance our clients request. NFPAS audits over 50 organisations annually and I manage the who, how and when this occurs to ensure our clients get an efficient and effective audit and ultimately an audited financial statement and report available to meet their governance and reporting requirements.

What do you enjoy about working with NFP organisations?

Everything – the diversity, the people, the purpose and the ability to be a small part of that across a lot of organisations doing some amazing things both in South Australia, Australia and overseas. If I can impart some bit of knowledge or advice which assists a client be able to do something easier, better, achieve compliance or operate in a more cost effective way then my day is a success.

What are some of the challenges you see NFP organisations facing?

There is currently a lot of uncertainty for the sector – what will happen with the ACNC now we have a Liberal government – has a lot of organisations and service providers in a holding pattern. If the ACNC legislation is not repealed there are some significant changes ahead for a lot of organisations that have historically not had to report to any regulator.

Ensuring the dollars are always there, having services to deliver under contracts which do not fully fund increases in wages or operating costs and what than means to the day to day operations and also the longevity of an organisation. The move toward income streams independent of government is now becoming more crucial in providing a level of financial viability.

The thing that gets you out of bed in the morning is?

I would love to say my alarm clock but I think I actual turn that off in my sleep! What really makes me want to get up each morning is that I have a great life and want to enjoy each and every part of it. I am fortunate to have a happy and healthy family, live where I get to see the sea everyday, a home that is a haven, amazing friends and fantastic colleagues, and work I enjoy. The challenge of improving on the day before and having great opportunities for my children, husband and I is a great motivator.

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