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Social Impact Investing Poses Potential Solution to Housing Crisis

A new report, released on Wednesday by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, found that when implemented in the right conditions, social impact investing (SII) has the potential to address housing and homelessness in Australia.

The report, led by the Centre for Social Impact at UNSW Sydney, said while SII was not a panacea and would not be the most appropriate nor effective solution in all cases, it provided “additional policy tools and a promising framework to design and fund more effective solutions”.

Inquiry lead, and CEO of the Centre for Social Impact, Professor Kristy Muir told Pro Bono News the potential of SII was significant.

“We know we’ve got this great problem around housing affordability and homelessness and what we need to do is to work out some new solutions for it. What we’ve been doing is looking at understanding whether social impact investing is a potential solution to addressing housing affordability and homelessness issues,” Muir said.

To view the full Pro Bono article, click here.

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