A transitional deferral should be used if you need more time to get ready to report through Single Touch Payroll (STP) including, being unable to report by your software provider’s deferred start date or needing more time to transition.
Employers with 20 or more employees:
Your software provider may have applied to the ATO for a later start date for STP reporting which covers you as an existing client.
If you are covered by your software provider’s deferral, you will need to start reporting on or before the deferral date. Your provider will give you this date and a deferral reference number (DRN). This verifies they have a deferral for you. You don’t need to give this to the ATO – just keep it for your own records.
If you’re not able to start reporting by your software provider’s deferral date, you will need to apply for your own deferral.
Employers with 19 or less employees:
If you currently use payroll software which offers STP reporting, you can update your product and start reporting any time up to 30 September 2019.
If you know you won’t be able to start before 30 September 2019, you or your registered agent can ask the ATO for a deferral.
To view more details, and information on how to apply for a deferral, click here.