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Participate in Australia‰Ûªs largest NFP Performance and Governance study

The Australian Institute of Company Directors’ (AICD) is in the seventh year of its NFP Governance and Performance Study, and is calling on all non-executive directors and senior executives of NFPs to complete the survey.

The study is an important initiative that helps to identify the current challenges and opportunities facing the sector. This year the study is focussing more deeply on financial sustainability. The results of the survey go directly to building a more detailed understanding of governance of the sector, and will be used by NFPs, philanthropists and policy makers to assist in future decision-making.

To take part in the study follow this link

TheAustralian Institute of Company Directors’ (AICD) is in the seventh year of its NFP Governance and Performance Study, and is calling on all non-executive directors and senior executives of NFPs to complete the survey.

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