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Not For Profit Summit 2013


Actions for Sustainability – Victoria is changing

In the outer metropolitan suburbs of Melbourne and parts of regional Victoria, growth is unprecedented.

Consumer expectations are changing as our demographics and population density shifts.
Funding is changing with the need to attract and facilitate additional sources of investment to the community sector beyond government and philanthropy. New approaches are being sought – outcomes based and client controlled – epitomised in the model for DisabilityCare Australia.

These changes have huge implications and an inherent shift in demand for both the quantity and nature of services. Business, governments and not-for-profit and community sector organisations must adapt if they are to address the emerging environment. Not-for-profit and community sector organisations must make decisions now to equip themselves for the future operating environment.

How are not-for-profit and community sector organisations and government responding to these changes? What are the implications for the way your future business model evolves in terms of your relationship with clients, government, other service providers, the corporate sector and philanthropy?

To be sustainable, not-for-profit and community sector organisations must take action now!

Click here to view all information about this Summit.

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