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LEGO Comes Top For CSR

The world’s biggest toy manufacturer LEGO Group has topped the list of organisations for best corporate social responsibility performance.

The 2017 Global CSR RepTrak 100 study, released by the Reputation Institute, ranks the world’s most socially responsible, highly-regarded and familiar global companies in 15 countries based on their respective CSR performances.

This year, LEGO Group and Microsoft took first and second place, surpassing Google, which had been at the top of the ranking for the previous three years.

LEGO Group chief financial officer Marjorie Lao said they were honoured to see their efforts “to positively impact the planet” resonated with people all over the world.

“We feel a huge sense of responsibility to inspire and develop children through play while leaving a significant positive impact on the world children will inherit,” Lao said.

“It is part of our DNA as a company, and we will continue to set the bar high for ourselves to do better.”

To view the full Pro Bono article click here.

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