OPINION: I didn’t think I’d end the year talking about tinned tomatoes, but I am. Why? Because they’ve just caused one of the biggest public relations coups in the 2017 charity sector.
At a time when we all know we should be thinking of others and giving back – this story brought the whole idea of charitable giving to life simply and effectively.
In case you missed it, I’ll recap. Jackie Clark is from The Aunties, a group which coordinates donations for Women’s Refuges in South Auckland.
Last week, Clark caused a furore when she posted on Facebook that she was doing a food drive to fill the pantry of the Te Whare Aio women’s refuge before Christmas.
But in the list of non-perishable food she was looking for, she said clearly in capital letters: “NO TINNED TOMATOES. EVER”.
Later, in numerous interviews, she explained that women in “flight mode” are generally not channelling their inner Nigella Lawson, more likely Bear Grylls, as they struggle to keep themselves and their children warm and safe in tough straits.
What followed was the wrath of many New Zealanders who were outraged that a charity wouldn’t be grateful for anything they were given and, further, that many of the issues around poverty in New Zealand were because people couldn’t cook.
To view the full Stuff article, click here.