Meeting basic governance standards doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive. Anna Draffin from ShareGift Australia offers her top 10 tips to make sure your charity is best placed to receive donations from ancillary funds ÛÒ the expected and the unexpected.
Philanthropy in Australia is becoming big business. It is no longer uncommon to see news of multi-million dollar gifts across various causes.
Increasingly, these major gifts come from structured giving vehicles. According to the National Philanthropic Trust’s 2016 Donor-Advised Fund Report, donor-advised funds are now the fastest growing giving structure in the US and Australia is showing signs of a similar trajectory.
According to John McLeod at JBWere Philanthropic Services, an estimated $14.3 billion is now held within over 3,000 private and public ancillary funds in Australia. While these ancillary funds may vary in form, from community foundations to family foundations, and adopt different outlooks and styles of giving, these types of funds ÛÒ private and public ancillary ÛÒ are governed by similar ATO guidelines.
So it is in your charity’s best interest to ensure you proactively manage and communicate your governance requirements, for whenever and whichever ancillary fund may appear on your doorstep.
To view the full Pro Bono article (and the ten tips), click here.