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External Conduct Standards likely to commence in August 2019

In November 2018, the Australian Government introduced proposed External Conduct Standards for registered charities. The standards are intended to provide a minimum level of assurance that charities have appropriate governance and behaviour when operating overseas.

The standards cover key issues for charities operating overseas, including:

  • Activities and control of resources (including funds)
  • Annual reviews of overseas activities and record keeping
  • Anti-fraud and anti-corruption
  • Protection of vulnerable individuals

Charities that operate overseas are encouraged to review the proposed standards and consider how the standards may affect their operations when they likely come into effect later in 2019.

These may not come into effect if the Parliament runs out of sitting days. Nevertheless, in anticipation the ACNC is currently developing guidance materials to support charities in meeting the proposed External Conduct Standards.

To view more information about the External Conduct Standards, click here.

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