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Charities Urged to Voice Concerns About Fundraising Red Tape

Charities need to take a stand in making submissions to a Senate fundraising inquiry, uniting behind solutions to offload red-tape burdens, social sector voices say.

Community Council for Australia chair Tim Costello has estimated fewer than 20 per cent of Australian charities complied with current fundraising regulations because they were a “total dog’s breakfast”.

The Senate inquiry into Charity Fundraising in the 21st Century was established to report on the current framework of fundraising regulation, with submissions closing on 6 August 2018.

Sue Woodward, director of national projects at legal charity Justice Connect, told Pro Bono News the social sector needed to “stand up yet again” to explain why fundraising reform should be a government priority.

“This is an opportunity we have to take to really get the attention of the Commonwealth government and state governments, to make them understand the problem and why they need to act now,” Woodward said.

To view the full Pro Bono article, click here.

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