Under the ACNC’s legislation, charities can apply to have certain information withheld from the ACNC Charity Register. The ACNC will review these requests and, in very limited circumstances, agree to withhold information from public view.
Charities seeking to withhold information from the ACNC Charity Register must complete the application form in the new ACNC Charity Portal. Charities that make applications to withhold information are responsible for redacting the requested details from relevant documents. For example, if your charity is applying to withhold its location details and the address is included in your charity’s constitution, it is your responsibility to redact those details before uploading the document to the ACNC’s system.
Previously charities may have only needed to supply the full version of a document containing withheld information. Now, charities will be required to supply two versions of affected documents – a full version for the ACNC’s internal records, and a redacted version for publication on the ACNC Charity Register.
This change has been made to streamline the ACNC’s internal process and ensure that the charity is comfortable with the redacted document before it is published.
To view further information about the withholding process, click here.